Providing accessories, components, kit and consumables from leading geopositioning and survey equipment provider SETTOPSurvey, and distributing Trimble InTech products and Pacific Crest Wireless RTK data links for the UK.

SETTOPSurvey is based in Barcelona, Spain and their mission is to provide innovative precision products and solutions for surveying, construction, agriculture, civil and marine engineering. Within their product portfolio, SETTOPSurvey showcases a wide range of accessories, components, kit and consumables, which here at GPS Positioning Solutions we distribute to the Northern European market from our base in the UK.
Trimble InTech & Pacific Crest

Trimble InTech is the Integrated Technologies division of Trimble, offering high precision positioning solutions for use by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and System Integrators. With centimeter-level GNSS technology, these products enhance productivity and profitability, whilst facilitating product differentiation and a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
The Pacific Crest Corporation was acquired by Trimble in 2005 and has since operated as part of the Trimble Company (Trimble Wireless), continuing to be a worldwide pioneer in the business of providing rugged and reliable radio modems that establish wireless data links for RTK positioning and remote sensing.
Here at GPS Positioning Solutions we distribute the Trimble InTech GNSS OEM product range together with Pacific Crest Wireless RTK data links within the UK.