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175.00 (excl. tax)

With Barometer, Altimeter, Thermometer and Hygrometer.

With Barometer, Altimeter, Thermometer and Hygrometer. Wind speed in knots, km/h, m/s, ft/s and mph, with 0.8-39.9 m/s beaufort range and 0.1 ±4% accuracy; barometer: 220-1280 hPa with 1hPa resolution; altimeter: 2,000-10,000 m with 1 m resolution; hygrometer: 1-100% R.H. with 1 % resolution; thermometer: -24 to +60ºC with 0.1ºC resolution; size: 120 x 58 x 20 mm; with clock and alarm.

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